• Question: what is the most important thing you have done/found out whilst you have been in food science?

    Asked by izzylutkins to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 9 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Grant Campbell

      Grant Campbell answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      @izzylutkins. My most important contribution to food science has been to highlight how interesting aerated foods are – e.g. bread, whipped cream, ice cream, rice crispies, Aero bars – by organising conferences and editing books on the subject Bubbles in Food (and by doing my own research on bubbles in bread). Doing this has encouraged food companies to use bubbles to develop interesting new products, and has helped the food scientists working on these products to understand how the bubbles behave. As I write in one of those books, “Bubbles are cheap, versatile, non-toxic and non-fattening – the ideal food ingredient!”

    • Photo: Duncan Gaskin

      Duncan Gaskin answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      I’ve been asked this a couple of times in the last few weeks and I haven’t yet come up with a good answer! Some of the things I’ve done have been for companies and are secret, while a lot has been useful rather than important.
