• Question: how many time did you get told off at school

    Asked by josephmortlock to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Rachel Edwards-Stuart

      Rachel Edwards-Stuart answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I used to be quite well behaved at school, but I do remember getting told off twice when I was in the sixth form. Once for wearing a wooly hat in class and refusing to take it off, and the other time for trying to steal some lab goggles out of the Chemistry lab!

    • Photo: Duncan Gaskin

      Duncan Gaskin answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      loads! Especially at Primary School where I had to sit in front of the teacher so she could keep an eye on me! Later I was much better behaved, and only got caught a few times doing silly little things. Sadly it is so long ago I can’t really remember any details.

    • Photo: Grant Campbell

      Grant Campbell answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Not many, sorry – I was pretty well behaved. As I write in my profile “I once broke a window – that was about as troublesome as I got! (The former Wales and All Black rugby coach, Graham Henry, was the deputy headmaster at my school at the time; confessing to him was a scary experience, although he was fine about it.)”

    • Photo: Julie Bland

      Julie Bland answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      Yes a few times for chatting and drawing during classes! But that was in secondary school mainly , in high school decided to get the best mark possible to be able to go to a good uni so was pretty well behave :).
