• Question: how many cheeses smell bad

    Asked by josephmortlock to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Julie Bland

      Julie Bland answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Hi Joseph,
      Difficult question because it all depends what you call bad! Many of the strong smelling cheese have not a very strong flavour often due to the fact it is the mold outside which give the smell but it can also be due to when the cheese age the fat and protein break down which can produce some smell. However, it is very safe and some people argue that it is when it is smelly it is good!

    • Photo: Duncan Gaskin

      Duncan Gaskin answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      To me most French cheeses smell pretty bad! But many people (including my daughter) really like the smelly ones. This demonstrates that different people think different cheeses smell bad.
