• Question: have you traveled anywhere exciting in the world for your job?

    Asked by ilovepizza to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Grant Campbell

      Grant Campbell answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      @ilovepizza. One of the best places I have visited (for a conference) was Savannah in the southern United States. It is a beautiful city, really different from anything we have in the UK.
      Going to conferences has also allowed me to visit Hawaii and Disneyland Florida! Also Australia, New Zealand (where I’m from originally), Germany, France, Austria, Canada and probably one or two others.

    • Photo: Julie Bland

      Julie Bland answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I have been sent to California to have a look at the biggest cheese making company in the world ( produce more than 1000 tonnes of cheese per day !) and had the chance to go to San-Francisco which I loved and hope to be able to go again!

    • Photo: Duncan Gaskin

      Duncan Gaskin answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      I’ve been to the US (although nowhere particularly exciting – sorry Iowa!) and several places in Europe, including Germany just as the wall between East and West Germany was coming down, so I have a piece in my shed as a souvenir.
