• Question: do any of you work on GM crops?

    Asked by budderlord to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Grant Campbell

      Grant Campbell answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      No, but I’m aware of many of the issues around GM crops. In science we try to apply rigorously logical thinking. One of the arguments sometimes put forward to support the development of GM crops is that what the scientists are doing is only what nature has been doing for millions of years – genetic modification is perfectly natural, we wouldn’t exist without it, so it couldn’t possibly be wrong. Exactly the same argument could be made about nuclear reactions – nature has been undertaking nuclear reactions for billions of years, so nuclear reactions are also perfectly natural, and it’s equally true that we wouldn’t exist without them. But nuclear reactions have potential for devastating consequences, so we proceed with developments in that area extremely cautiously. GM equally has potential for devastating consequences if misused. The argument that GM is perfectly natural is invalid and irrelevant. Meanwhile, there are good reasons for proceeding cautiously.

    • Photo: Julie Bland

      Julie Bland answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      No I don’t but I think it is very important a lot of work is done on the subject. Farmers and lobby group are pushing hard to be able to use them in the UK and I think before we need to really understand how it would impact the environment, human health but also the economy.
      Often the argument brought forward to use them is that a lot of other country use them. However, some of those country saw some problem such as farmer going into debts because the need to buy the seeds every year and the chemicals that goes with it or some contamination of other plants.
      I think we better be cautious because if we start we can’t go back!

    • Photo: Duncan Gaskin

      Duncan Gaskin answered on 16 Mar 2013:

      No I’ve never worked with GM crops.
      But the John Innes Centre next to where I work does do work on GM crops, so I know some of the issues involved.
      I am aware of the worries people have about so called ‘Frankenfood’ crops and the potential dangers that they may have. But the potential to make crops that provide for our ever increasing needs for food is huge.
      In the UK the laws covering the development and use of GM crops are very tight and well regulated.
