• Question: as you work with sound waves and food what is the most sound proof food

    Asked by 12reado to Duncan, Grant, Julie, Nik, Rachel on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Grant Campbell

      Grant Campbell answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Nik is our sound man, but I’m the bubbles man, so I can say with confidence that the most sound proof foods would be those with the most air in them. And the food with the most air in it is…. rice cakes! If you want to soundproof your bedroom (for example) using food, line it with rice cakes. Marshmallows might also work and be a more fun way to line your bedroom, but would go off more quickly. (Either way you’re likely to find yourself sharing your bedroom with mice pretty quickly. But at least no-one would hear you scream.)

    • Photo: Nik Watson

      Nik Watson answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      ah grant I didnt realise you worked with bubbles we do some stuff with them too, horrible things sometimes when your using sound.
      Grant is right any system where you get sudden changes in geometry or material proeprties such as density (eg air bubbles in a solid) would be the most sound proof.
      When people want to sound proof rooms they sometimes use egg cartons as the shape makes the sound bounce around in werid ways and stops it bouncing straight back off a flat wall
